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It's a Masquerade Party!    It's a Talent Competition!

Memphis Masquerade is a talent competition in the midst of a masquerade party. All participants are asked to where a mask, including judges and audience members along with contestants.


General overview:

Contestants will be judged on singing ability, entertainment value, audience appreciation and mask/costume originality. Contestants will compete in 3 rounds or until eliminated from the competition.


All genres welcome! (Just keep it clean)

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3 Rounds

Round 1: Virtual preliminary round open to any and all contestants age 18 and up


Round 2: 15 Semifinalists will be invited to compete at the Live Show in front of a masked Memphis audience and judges


Round 3: 3 Finalists will immediately compete for the overall WIN!

Round 1

Round 1: Virtual preliminary round open to any and all contestants age 18 and up. Registered contestants email an audio recording that will be posted to FaceBook.


The Top 15 submissions determined by the most “likes” will be invited to compete at the Semifinals in front of a masked Memphis audience and judges.


  • Submissions must:

  • be received by May 10th 

  • include completed registration form 

  • include registration fee in full

  • be in MP3 format

  • be a 1-minute karaoke/instrumental recording of a solo performance. (background vocals are allowed. HOWEVER, Lead vocals other than solo contestant will result in immediate elimination from the competition.)

  • all submissions must be radio/family friendly.

  • **all semifinalists must live in the Memphis and surrounding areas.

  • **Masks are mandatory but costumes are optional

Virtual Round

No events at the moment
link will only be active
May 1-May 10

June 3, 2023
6230 Green Lee St, 
Arlington, TN

  • 15 masked SEMIFINALists compete

  • in front of a live audience

  • judging criteria:

    • best singing

    • top performance

    • most unique mask/ costume

Round 2

The Top 15 virtual submissions who receive the most “likes” will be invited to compete at the Memphis Masquerade on June 3, 2023 as a Semifinalist in front of a masked Memphis audience and the Memphis Masquerade panel of judges.


Contestants will sing a 2-minute song. Performances will be judged on singing ability, entertainment value, audience appreciation and mask/costume originality. 


Masks are mandatory but costumes are not required. 



Round 3

The Top 3 finalists will compete in the Mystery Music Round.


Three song titles will be placed in the Mystery Music Top Hat. 


Each finalist will draw 1 song title from the Mystery Music Top hat.


Finalists will perform their Mystery Music Selection for their chance to be named Champion of the Memphis Masquerade 2023


June 3, 2023
6230 Green Lee St, 
Arlington, TN

the mystery music round

  • top 3 masked FINALists compete

  • judging criteria:

    • ability to perform a mystery song

    • pulled from the mystery music hat

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People's Choice Award

In addition to the main event, audience members will be invited to cast their vote for their personal favorite competitor of the night.


"Votes" are $1 per vote and all proceeds go to the People's Choice Award winner.

Voting begins and end the night of the Live Show.


Winner will be announced during the finals

Additional Rules and Restrictions

  • Age Restrictions: 


Song Selection Requirements

  • All genres welcome. Keep in clean. Radio/ family Friendly please!

  • songs must be cover songs. It is recommended to choose a highly recognizable song.

  • Contestants must perform live. Only background vocals are allowed on performance track.

  • Round 1/ Virtual Round: Songs must be edited 1 minute

  • Round 2/Semifinals Round: 2 minutes

  • Round 3:/ Mystery Music Round: 1 minute; music will be provided

  •  An act is timed from the first vocal utterance and unedited trax will be stopped at the 2 minute mark.

  • Virtual performance in the form of an MP3 (no video) must be received by May 10

  • Accompaniment Trax for Live Show must be received by May 10


A full and Complete registration must include:

  • Completed registration form

  • Virtual performance in the form of an MP3 (no video)

  • Contestants' pseudo/ stage name

  • Registration payment in full

  • submission by May 6

  • submit completed registration to


Contestants must remain incognito at all times.​

  • Contestants must select a pseudo/ stage name and may not use their real name under any circumstances. 

  • Contestants must create and provide their own masks

  • Contestants must wear their mask at all times in any and all areas surrounding the Live Show venue. This includes but is not limited to the venue parking lot, restrooms, main room and any backrooms or hallways.

  • Contestant masks must cover/hide full identity

  • Costumes are not required but they are highly recommended!

  • Contestants may not interact with judge panel at any time before or during the competition.

  • ​Contestants must not drop any hints about their identity at any time during their performance or while on stage.


Prohibited items​

  • Acts using machetes, knives, etc. will not be accepted

  • No fire, smoke, or smoke effect will be allowed on stage 

  • Props must be inanimate. Only solo performer allowed on stage during acts.

  • This is an amateur level competition. Professional artists are defined as those individuals who earn 50% or more of their income as a singer/performer. Please keep this in mind.​

  • Do not throw anything from the stage


The following actions will result in the immediate elimination of a contestant from the Masquerade in May Talent Competition:


  • Walking around the venue in areas not permitted for contestants such as but not limited to: performance room/ judges area / any area where judges are located.

  • Interacting with judges off stage

  • Dropping hints from stage or in any conversation with anyone regarding the identity of any of the contestants including yourself.

  • Entering the contest venue without a mask or removing a mask at any time while at the venue unless asked.

  • Missing any pre-show meetings with out prior Producer approval

  • Not meeting or providing the required criteria by set deadlines.

  • Use of any of the prohibited items listed above.

  • offensive conduct of any kind

  • Judges are not allowed to discuss contestants and/or acts with anyone other than those on the Judges panel. Please do not approach judges for explanations regarding their decisions. 

  • Any protest concerning rule violations must be made prior to the announcement of the winners. Once the winners are announced, the judges' decisions are final.


Fairness assurance

  • Each contestants' highest and lowest score will be eliminated from their overall score in the semifinal round. This is done to ensure that there is no discrimination or biased based on genre or song selection, image or character discrepancies or any other bias that a judge may inadvertently fall into consciously or otherwise. 


Other stuff

  • Venue and organizers not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings.
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