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The Studio

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Welcome to Your Contemporary Voice
& Performance Coaching!​

Do you REALLY want MORE:

Volume? Range? Confidence?

Do you REALLY want to find YOUR voice?

I understand the frustration of believing that you have so much more in you and you just need help finding it and pulling it out.

If you:

  • share my passion for singing

  • have little to no music training

  • have received formal training and want to expand your skills for contemporary singing

  • just want to improve your singing



You are perfect for CVP Coaching!

At Contemporary Voice and Performance (CVP) Coaching,  your prior musical training is not a factor for becoming the best contemporary singer you can be!


CVP Coaching is Voice Training for the contemporary singer!


CVP covers ALL styles including Pop, R&B, Country, Rock and of course, Gospel!


VoiceCoach LisaMarie has developed a series of simple and easy techniques and exercises that can transform any passionate singer into a skilled, authentic and engaging performer without the need of formal music training.


The best part is... WE SING! You learn the songs that YOU want to learn! Let me teach you how to work your song and PERFORM it from top to bottom!

Artist Development

CVP Coaching sessions prepare you to take the stage like a pro in any arena!


*mic control and sound check

*blocking and staging

*worship leader development

*pageant coaching

*develop unique identity and image

*artistic value proposition 

*stage presence and emoting

*song writing and editing

*repertoire development

**studio /recording pro-tips

**headshot /Bio pro-tips

**networking **schmoozing **referrals

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